This Public Announcement is directed to the current Suverän-heir members of the worldwide private society that has been known since 26th January 2012, as Global Advertising Internet Network, known also as Infinite Smart Exchange, Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange in the Godzone Credit Exchange platform of GAIN2U Network, as well as to All Parties, both Public and Private, who may have an interest in this information.
The intent of this announcement is to inform our Suverän-heir members of important changes and refinements to our structure that are being implemented at this time to better serve our Suverän-heir members and more accurately portray the nature and character of our society, our private Suverän-heir members association and our global mission.
This is being undertaken to better define exactly what our society and Suverän-heir members community is and has always been since our inception. These changes and refinements are a result of further research and investigation into the necessary compliance requirements of the global system. This relates to laws pertaining to monetary systems, public versus private and de jure current-sees, and other matters.
We have always, since the beginning, directed our efforts in creating Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange to be in full compliance with all laws and jurisdictions while at the same time providing the solutions we have developed to relieve global poverty for all people in this world. With our new research and investigation we have determined that certain use of language was misleading or potentially able to be misconstrued, therefore the time for clarity and precision is now upon us as a community. Certain foundational components of our Private Society and Suverän-heir members Association were inferred but not necessarily precisely conveyed with our choice of language and presentations. Thus, we now see that we must correct previous errors and mistakes, whether done by commission or omission, and more properly present to our Suverän-heir members and the world at large what exactly we are and what we are not.
In this regard, pursuant to this announcement, we wish to define these fundamental points and principles to achieve clarity for all concerned. These points are as follows:
The GAIN2U Matrix and Network community was founded as a Private Covenant Association and Private Society using a Private Medium of Exchange and continues as such to this day. It will always be defined exactly by these phrases.
A Private Society is not incorporated in any jurisdiction other than under GOD YAHuah Almighty, IO Matua Te Runga Rawa, God Most High, and is established upon the right of all people to have and express the paramount right of Self-Determination and Private Association. As an unincorporated Body Politic we do not derive our existence from any external authorization, but by the Will and Intent of the Suverän-heir members of the Society. Yes, we work alongside the above Foundation Global Advertising Internet Network as our marketing Foundation only. Our jurisdiction is private de jure, under universal lore, law of nature, natural law under Supreme Creator YAHuah who owns everything and no other. (Scriptural Evidence)
Let NO Man say otherwise.
At the same time, we publicly honor and respect the laws of all nations and do not encourage any Suverän-heir to do otherwise. It is of the highest importance in our Principles (Articles) of Association that we remain in honor and peace with all people and all nations.
Our Society is founded upon a Mission Purpose with stated Principles. This Mission Purpose will soon be formally defined in a published Mission Statement, while at the same time, since our inception, we have put forward the Principles that in fact define our Mission and Purpose in various written presentations both public and private. (Executive Summary)
The Mission and Principles are simple and pure. We are here to provide the people of the world a tool to alleviate all poverty and suffering for all people. This tool puts into the hands of the people the Right of Self-Empowerment.
A Private Covenant Association is a group of Non-Government Foundations and people who come together to form a mutual basis of association, a Mutual Benefit Society, in which all benefit from the structure, tools and principles of the Society that accrue to and are shared by all the Suverän-heir members. A Private Society and Private Covenant Association, styled as a Mutual Benefit Society, is not owned by any individual. They exist by the Will of the Suverän-heir members and are established on the basis of privately Covenanting to an agreed upon set of rules and activities. These rules have already been made clear since our beginning as to what is required to be a Suverän-heir of our society and association in good standing.
As a Suverän-heir in good standing one has the benefit of using GAIN2U Matrix and Network and the Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange as a private medium of exchange. One of the mistakes is naming our current-see as a form of “money”, which is not accurate, and this needs to be corrected. The term “money” carries certain legal definitions and implications. Thus, by this Announcement, we are making it clear that any and all use of terms such as money, dollar, euro, currency or other similar words and references, will be corrected.
GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange are not commercial instruments or negotiable paper as those terms are defined in domestic and international legal systems. Any implications, inference or aspersions to the contrary were done in error and, we apologize for any misunderstanding or confusion caused by our inaccurate use of language.
GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange is not in any way a security instrument. They do not secure any interest in any intrinsic value, commodity, asset or account. They are a privately issued medium of exchange available only to Suverän-heir members of a private Mission Society Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange Public Announcement September 24, 2018 and Private Covenant Association, pursuant to and according to its private rules of Suverän-heir members and participation. The inherent value that they represent is only the Life Force and Spiritual Value of our private de jure society Suverän-heir members.
We are a Global Sharing and Eleemosynary Society. The “Sharing” is derived by the private Covenant agreement to share our value and life force with each other, for mutual support and benefit. GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange is a private current-see (internet airwaves and cloud server acceptance of exchange), which means it is designed to flow through a channel much like as a river has a current and flows through its course, or electricity has a current that flows through wires that provide the value of kinetic work to light our homes and run our factories, or the life force source of GOD YAHuah Almighty that animates our Avatar bodies. We share the common purpose and value of using our life force as a current that flows through the course of our system, which is made up of living men, womb-men and children. Eleemosynary means charitable and we define our society as such because we believe in the true charity of kindness, giving, sharing and supporting lives of integrity and respect. As we all work together to build this global community, we are providing true giving and sharing for all who participate.
Any use or reference to commercial terms or comparative value ratios against national currencies or precious metals is only for comparative purposes and perceived value, and does not impute any direct or secured relationship to such instruments or assets. Any misconstruction of this is a mistake and error for which we apologize and shall rapidly correct as stated herein.
Any inference that GAIN2U Matrix and Network or Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange is a medium of investment is entirely inaccurate, and once again, any language in previous materials, websites or presentations that may have engendered such mistaken inferences shall be corrected. Any statements that our private medium of exchange carried fungible potential with public currencies was never inferred or intended, other than providing a bench-mark value upon agreement when joining.
Henceforth we shall use the formal names of our organization as the Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange Private Society and the GAIN2U Matrix and Network Private Covenant Association. Our Mission Statement and related materials to this effect will be forthcoming and made available to the public via our official website(s). We do not accept any misconstruction of our Society, Purpose, Principles (Article) or Association that might be found on any other public medium, i.e., YouTube, Social Media platforms, individual websites. Only formally authorized materials shall henceforth be considered acceptable to represent these entities, and such materials will always be issued under the formal Seal of the Society, which is currently being developed and will soon be announced on our website. Upon such announcement, all materials, brochures, publicly accessible web pages and any other medium of communication will display the Seal and only the GAIN2U Matrix and Network Administrative Team shall be authorized to use the said Seal.
In the near future, Articles of Association will be published for the Private Covenant Association. All current and future Suverän-heir members will be required to electronically sign and accept the articles [terms] in order to continue as a Suverän-heir member. These Articles Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange Public Announcement September 24, 2018 will comprise the Covenant basis of our Association, thus fulfilling the requirements of a Private Covenant Association (henceforth also referred to as “PCA”). These articles will contain already existing rules of Suverän-heir members, with the addition of a few required stipulations to properly reflect the information presented in this Announcement. (Ethical Marketing)
As a Private Association and Society, the GAIN2U Matrix and Network Private Covenant Association and the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society using Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange Private Medium of Exchange has full authority to create its own form of governance, lore/law form, court and private treasury, trade and barter economy. These will be established to better serve and protect the interests of our Suverän-heir members, and will be available to every Suverän-heir for the settlement of disputes and other such basic principles of a balanced society of men, womb-men and children. It will take time to properly fulfil these requirements and all Suverän-heir members will be kept informed as to the progress thereof. We request the inner-standing and patience of our Suverän-heir members in this process.
Our purpose and mission includes the education of our Suverän-heir members so that they grow into properly informed and intelligent Suverän-heir members of the private de jure society and the larger world society of our respective countries and the world as a whole. In months to come, we shall be implementing tools for such education so that our Suverän-heir members can be successful with GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange and understand how to use it for their benefit and the mutual benefit of all of our Suverän-heir members. Within such education, some of the terms and points contained in this Announcement (and in future materials) will be clarified so that we proceed forward together as a well-educated body politic of competent and educated people that are here in association to benefit ourselves, the communities and nations in which we live and work, and the world as a whole.
The only value that GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange carry is that of the mutual benefit confidence of our private Suverän-heir members. We hold the value of every hue-man being on this planet to be of the highest order pursuant to our privately held beliefs and conscience. All of our Suverän-heir members comprise the collective value of our Society, as an Ekklesia (defined as the body of the congregation) that is the living body of our congregation together.
We are a non-denominational and non-hierarchical body of living beings. This is the definition of a Body Politic, thus we consider our Society to be an Ecclesiastical Body Politic immune from the public, commercial and corporate jurisdictional authorities (corpus juris) of constituted National Bodies Politic. We support all of our Suverän-heir members in the pursuit of their own de jure Right of Self-Determination to uphold individual beliefs and modes of living through private and personal conscience. The only exclusion to this principle is against those who would use our society to promote criminal activity, violence or harm to others. This includes an absolute forbiddance of any illicit use of our private medium of exchange in any manner to take advantage of another or to transgress the lores/laws of creation and the domestic laws of the nations in which one lives. We are here to promote peace and prosperity for all hue-man beings and all living things in this world.
The Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society has been established in conformity and in alignment with the GAIN2U Matrix and Network (PCA) Private Covenant Association:
All records of the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society are secured and held in the private permanent archival system of records of the GAIN2U Matrix and Network (PCA) Private Covenant Association Court of the Ekklesia and House of Records with Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO – The Kingdom House of IO. We are in full alignment with the globally published Proclamation and Declaration of Intention of the GAIN2U Matrix and Network (PCA) Private Covenant Association and formally adopt the principles contained therein.
As a Suverän-heir of the GAIN2U Matrix and Network (PCA) Private Covenant Association we are aligned with and included therein to the formal announcement to all World Administrative Bodies and the Offer of Treaty of Peace and Cessation of Hostilities presented to the Holy See via the Nuncio of Washington District of Colombia.
We are at peace with all public entities and institutions worldwide, neutral in the public and proceeding in peaceful harmony and comity with all agencies, departments and authorities of any and all public entities of national character. Henceforth all public communications shall be under the Seal of the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society, our Kingdom Flag and the International Flag of Peace.
To all of our current Suverän-heir members, please be patient as we undertake the necessary changes as described in this Announcement. We will have abundant details ready to provide within our private Suverän-heir enclosures in weeks and months to come. The changes being undertaken will assure a stronger and more resilient Suverän-heir member for all of us for the fulfilment of our mission and the prosperity of all. Thank you for your patience and consideration and continuing support.
Finally, we wish to address something that is currently in progress with respect to the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) of the United States investigating into crypto-currency platforms of a public nature. Some of our Suverän-heir members are aware of this but most are not. Thus, we want to be clear and above board on this point so that all are aware of the situation and understand it properly. This inquiry is a legal process by an authorized government agency. We understand that this is being done with most or all crypto currencies and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange to determine if any given currency is in fact structured or promoted as a security as such would be defined by United States laws. As we all know, many new currencies, coins and tokens are being created now and have been for several years through a type of offering known as an Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”). This is, of course, similar to what occurs when a private Foundation decides to take a corporation public by Contracting with a market maker to underwrite an Initial Public Offering (“IPO”). So, obviously, there are similarities in language and function. However, this is not what we do, as we seek to remain private de jure and supported by the Suverän-heir members active participation by the people and for the people.
We may in the future consider to pursue an affiliation with PANTERRA Private Covenant’s Association:
An IPO sells stock in a Foundation that is backed by the assets of the corporation and is promoted on the basis of future earnings. This secures the shares of stock by the assets and thus is a security within the scope of U.S. law and the SEC has jurisdiction over such securities to regulate and control them within the public markets. That agency is called the Securities Exchange Commission because it regulates and oversees the ongoing “exchange” of securities through normal market functions. When ICOs first came out, they offered “coin” or “tokens” for cash, usually denominated in United States Dollars, over which the United States and its agencies have jurisdiction.
The coins issued were secured against the cash raised by the offering or oftentimes by an asset base such as real estate that were explicitly stated to back the coin. This then became a form of security and thus the SEC has been investigating many of these coins to determine whether they are a security or not, and if so, to bring them into the regulatory environment of their jurisdiction. In the case of GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange, we do not fall into this category. We have never made any claim that GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange are a form of secured interest in assets or public funds. In the GAIN2U Matrix site, we use the term ‘zero-balance’ which refers to an exchange (swap) in value for our private medium of exchange to remain private de jure under our own governance and jurisdiction. We are not in the jurisdiction of the United States because we are not a corporate entity in that jurisdiction and do not derive our authority to exist or operate from said jurisdiction. GAIN2U Matrix and Network is in alliance with Global Advertising Internet Network Foundation as suppliers of products and services through their cooperative network ONLY. We have always been clear that we are a private society and private Suverän-heir organization. We now realize that we made a mistake in referencing the value of GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange in using “dollar or euro terms” and this is being corrected. We now make reference to our Suverän-heir members, the people (he tangata), as its true intrinsic value but to be absolutely clear, we have never declared either publicly or privately that the current-see of GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange are secured or backed by money or euro currency itself but only using the value of the euro as a reference point. Our Suverän-heir members agree from the outset that the value of one credit has a bench mark value of one € Euro Dollar to set the pricing index of the system ONLY and in no way do we purport we are money, euro or currency. If and when the fiat currency (Cash) becomes obsolete, we as a collective agree that one credit (point) has a benchmark value to 1 gram of Gold, secured by the Suverän-heirs of the system. It is just for a mind-set shift to perceived value. The value of GAIN2U Matrix and Network is simply and solely the value of the living beings who participate in our private society by and through our private Covenant association. When any Suverän-heir joins the GAIN2U Matrix and Network Community they Covenant to abide by the rules that we publish. We will soon be expanding the details of our structure with written and educational materials to reflect this, but since inception, we have only been a private Suverän-heir organization and the value of our current-see is nothing more than the value of our Suverän-heir members and its growth.
So, for any Suverän-heir members who are currently under a subpoena by the SEC to provide data and information, we encourage you to be fully cooperative with their inquiry and at all times tell the truth as best as you know and understand it. We have nothing to hide or avoid, so the truth is always the best policy. We firmly believe that in the end this inquiry will prove the statements we have made here and the SEC will determine that we are not offering securities, have never made any sort of Initial Coin or Public Offering and do not promote any secured interests. GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange are private mediums of exchange, to be used to promote equitable exchange between private parties for goods and services. Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange cannot be exchanged for money or other currencies by Suverän-heir members. This can only be accepted by Admin. This Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange Public Announcement September 24, 2018 includes if the exchange of a private medium of exchange for goods and services in your domestic jurisdiction might carry any tax implications. We will always encourage our Suverän-heir members to recognize the truth in the statement that all Persons liable to report and pay income taxes must do so in conformity with local law and state we are not tax agents and suggest you seek advice on such matters. In the near future we will be formally structuring our Society, Private Covenant Association and Community with more precise detail as to what is acceptable and proper with respect to exchange and use of the private medium of exchange known as GAIN2U Matrix and Network and Credit Euro Current-see Energy Exchange.
This concludes our Public Announcement at this time and date. All inquiries pursuant hereto can be sent to
Sincerely, GAIN2U Matrix and Network Admin.